Monday, February 25, 2008


Back to work today after a very relaxing weekend.
I spent most of Saturday painting down in the dungeon. In the evening we went to Herb and Cara's for dinner and a movie. More painting on Sunday.
Cleaned the house a bit.
I was supposed to run 8 miles on Saturday (I'm running the Colfax Marathon in May) However, I pulled a muscle in my right butt cheek running on Thursday. I was getting all fancy and decided to run the last mile at lightning speed (not really) then.... ka pow! rip, pull, yank, something bad happened. It felt like someone shot me with a BB gun. So... no running for me for awhile. I'm resting a week and then I will try it again (on Wednesday) but no more fancy business, slow and steady.
Happy Monday.


alittlebitofscrap said...

Interesting painting. I like it. I like the colors, the shapes, reminds me of a tree I once saw in PR. Happy Monday :)

Hannah said...

I LOVE this painting--I really like the way you did it into two.

You are the best, I hope your butt gets better--I can't believe you are running 26 miles. When is the marathon? I hope I'll be in Denver so I can cheer you on!!


alittlebitofscrap said...

:) yep, my hair is naturally curly. sometimes I wish it weren't, but I have to admit, it is pretty easy to keep up and do most of the time. It really helps that the air is dry most of the time, compared to MS (where I'm from). Thanks for visiting my blog too!

I hope your muscles are feeling better. :)