Here's a recap.. Busy Busy.

I've been putting some serious miles on the scooter. This little burn is even after I applied generous amounts of 30 spf.
I should have re-applied.
I've only had to drive my car twice since I've been out for the summer. Once in downpour rain (which feels like someone shooting your face with a bb gun.) And once when I had to carry more than the scooters recommended load of cargo (I need to outfit it with a luggage rack.)

Summer school was really great. Only 12 kids showed up for the class so it was perfect. Nice small class, over by noon and only for two weeks. We did tessellation studies of MC Escher and had a week long painting/color theory lesson on Piet Mondrian. I think the kids liked it.

And... in my spare time I've managed some serious electrical work. Okay maybe not serious but seriously all by myself.
New stove hood and...

Lights above the mantle!
Again, all by myself.
Even on a dimmer. I was so afraid of electrocuting myself I turned the power off in the whole house just to be safe. Forget about breaker by breaker, I was convinced they probably weren't labeled right and I'd be BBQ'd.

I have a couple of wild commissions I'm working on. One crazy wild thing on paper and another 5'x6'painting on canvas I will post pics of when I'm finished.

And.. this little beauty was a gift from my friend Duc. It's a letter press print on paper, it is so beautiful. I need to find the perfect frame for it. He just bought his letter press a couple of months ago and has been making some really amazing stuff.

We've been planting (thanks to Lanka)

And yesterday we had Father's Day at our house. Vito marinated a massive brisket overnight, stuffed it with bacon and smoked it for 8 hours. Ah.. it was heavenly.

Hope your enjoying jUnE. **