It' s been awhile! Geez...
School is back in full swing and it's been nice being back to a routine.
We went to a super cool wedding last weekend for one of V's interns. It was so amazing. It was just one big party! They even had TWO after parties after the reception. Two! You had to choose which one you wanted to attend.

I went to Casa Bonita for the first time! Heather and Ali were in town for Ali and Roma's birthday so we did it up right.
I got to spend TWO weeks with this face. Ahh... it was such a treat.
and Roma... such a doll...who got her first taste of sugar on her first birthday. 
Summer seems to be flying by... I'm really enjoying the cooler evenings. We've been sleeping with the windows open all night and waking up to a chilly house. It's really the best.

I'm now blazing through my second trimester so I've got all my energy back... feel like myself again. :)
EnjoY your FriDAy. xo