Well this has pretty much been the best summer ever... I spent 6 weeks in Idaho visiting my
fam. Our friends Heather and Ali came up for a couple weeks of relaxation and after they left Vito's parents came up for a long weekend. It was really great being able to show them around and for them to see where I grew up.

The weather was really nice. Not too hot... not too cool. A few rainy days but overall just perfect.

Odell totally loved it. Loved going for long walks, boating around, getting held every second...

When I came back I still had a couple weeks off before I went back to school. Odell played his first of many games of rummy with Curtis and Emily (V's bro and sis-n-law).

And we took our first ride in their
RIDICULOUSLY cool newly restored
VW bus. They've spent the last 2 years getting this dream up and running. Let me tell you... it's amazing!

They did so much work to this thing and it is really beautiful. Odell even loved it. I think he was mostly excited about not being in his car seat... but excited nonetheless.

I started back to work last week.. it's been quite the adjustment. It's been nice though to finally have some structure and routine to my days. Odell's done a great job with the adjustment... seems happy as usual. How is your summer??