My Spring break was so nice and relaxing. Vito took a few days off work so we spent some nice time together. We spent a lot of time getting things done around the house.
I didn't get much painting done at all but I did get a lot of stuff done that I seemed to have been putting off for quite some time.
For example, taking all of the tags off of my husbands boxers... he couldn't handle the itch. That was about 6 weeks overdue.

I finally finished knitting the sweater I started in December, but now that it's April I'm not sure it's going to get much wear.
Easter was nice, lots of yummy food.
I ran 16 miles on Saturday and felt pretty strong. I didn't drink enough water so the last few miles I felt like I was turning into the tin man. My lips were cracking, I was cramping up, I couldn't fully extend my legs, not good. Oh, and forgot to wear sunblock. not good either.
So, I went and bought myself a water belt. It even has a cute pocket for my phone. That way if I trip and break my leg I can unzip my handy pocket, pull out my phone and call for a lift.
Happy Wednesday.