Friday, December 19, 2008


Sorry for the lack of blogging this week... Tis' the season..
I love this photo (by cara) she took this at our last little photo shoot.

Doesn't everyone have a set of deer antlers laying around?? Cara does.

It's the end of the quarter at work so things have been quite busy. But after today, I have TWO weeks off! I'm so looking forward to this holiday break. Lots of baking, blogging, photo taking and moment living ahead.
Vito has been busy planning our New Years adventure with Heather and Ali. we are doing a hut trip to this place...
That little black spot in the photo is the Goodwin-Greene hut up near Aspen. We will be spending a few days here in just a couple of weeks. It's a 9 mile cross-country ski (hike) in so it will be quite the adventure. I've been at the gym every morning before work for the last few weeks to get my legs ready for the big hike.
I hope you're enjoying the season, I'll be back with more photos soon. **
HapPY FrIdaY**

Monday, December 15, 2008


We went out in the blistering cold weather Saturday morning for bagel sandwiches and coffee.
It's been sooo cold. This morning on my way to the gym it was 14 below zero. After my workout I put on my suit to hop in the pool and the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate. Luckily I didn't have to evacuate in my swimming suit, I had just enough time to grab all my junk and head for the car. There was an electrical fire and everyone had to leave, luckily I wasn't in the shower.
I've been doing a bit of baking here and there. Last night I baked these yummy all organic buttermilk biscuits. yummy.
I was going through my computer this weekend looking for a cute pic to send out with our Christmas cards and found a bunch of keepers of CARA from our little photo shoot a few months ago. I thought I'd put a few on here, they are really pretty.

HaPPy MonDay** Stay WarM.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

DecEmBer 11th**

I took the day off of work yesterday
to spend time with this girl.
My friend Adi was in town from Israel and I hadn't seen her in 3 years. Adi and I met the very first day of college over 6 years ago. She had just married her wonderful husband and his job had relocated them to Denver from Israel. She decided to go back to school, we met the first day in an Art History class and were instantly friends. Now, she has two beautiful boys and runs an architecture firm in Tel Aviv. We spent all day together, it was perfect. We spent the day in Boulder shopping and talking our hearts out. We also went and visited RMCAD so that she could see some old instructors, it was great timing because quite a few graduates were hanging their show...
and I got to see THIS dreamy girl. Sarah. Sarah was just starting as I was finishing. She has hung a beautiful installation that is totally worth checking out if you're in the area.
And this piece... mmm...
another Art Ed student's work. love it.
It was such a wonderful day but it was so sad that it had to end. She leaves tomorrow and head's back home. I'm thinking I might have to plan a little trip to visit her this summer.
HapPY ThURsdaY*

Monday, December 8, 2008

FuN WeeKend**

On Saturday I went to Jessica's lingerie shower. Her and Matt are headed off to South America in a couple of weeks to elope. It was a really great shower, good food, drinks and friends. I had a really nice time.
Her sister Erin threw the shower at her house. I LOVE her house.

Jess is the only girl I know that can pull off receiving a leather jacket at a lingerie shower. You can't see her feet here but she is wearing high tops, looks pretty sweet with the jacket. Pretty Ella.In Erin's backyard she has these two awesome blue chairs. If they would have fit in my car I would have stole them. And... on Sunday.. I mastered baking bread in high altitude. Quite the accomplishment! If any of you live in the Denver area (or somewhere equally high) I would love to send you my recipe. This bread is delicious. It takes quite awhile (over 3 hours start to finish) but totally worth it!!And I baked some yummy sugar cookies! The house smelled oh so delicious.And.. while my bread was rising, I put the finishing touches on this. I'm taking it over to Amy's tonight! It's hard to tell in this picture but I stretched the canvas so that it bows in the center. It looks pretty cool on the wall, a bit retro-ish.
HappY MONday!
OnLy 16 days until ChRistMas!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


I've got tired eyes this morning.
Last night we took V's parents to the Nugget's game. It was really fun but we didn't get home until midnight so I'm super sleepy today. It's been really cold and snowy here the last couple of days, hard to get out of bed in the a.m. I grabbed these cute (but old and beat up) boxes yesterday that were getting carried to the dumpster at school. Have any fun ideas for them? I would like to use them this Christmas but not sure what to do with them..The Nuggets lost so that was a bummer, but it was fun to see chauncey billups play!
His parents are so cute.
This is V's old man face. I think this is Christmas card material right here..
I hope your weekend is happy and warm.
haPPy FriDaY!*

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I watched this video over on rachel's blog this morning. It is so cute! watch it. watch it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SnEaKy PeAkY**

I am almost almost finished with AmY's Painting. I told her that I would have it done the first of December but it's now the 3rd and I'm still not done. whoopsie. Here's a pic of half of it, it's pretty big (6ftx3ft). I should finish it tonight and then I'll post a pic tomorrow. I didn't want to show the whole thing because I know that the little missy looks at my blog and I don't want her to see it until it's finished.
I had to take a pic of my rinsing water because I LOVE this color. I want to paint a wall in my house this color, it's so rich and yummy. HapPY WeDnesDay!!**

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Pulled the tree and decorations out last night.
I love this time of year.
HaPPy DeCEmber**

Monday, December 1, 2008

DeceMBeR 1**

The weekend was great.
We checked into the hotel and spent all day Saturday relaxing downtown.

My friends Philippe and Nick met us at the Cruise room before the show. These two boys are quite the characters. Philippe has a degree in civil engineering and his dad is a rocket scientist. How cool would it be to tell people your dad 'is a rocket scientist'. so cool.
And Nick.. he makes this furniture for Newell Design.He has a bunch of pieces he's working on right now that will soon get shipped off to the Trump hotel in Dubai.We had a great time with them at the show and slept really well at the hotel. I spent the next morning knitting and drinking coffee.I finished a pair of mittens!Then spent the rest of Sunday watching football with V's parents (6 hours actually.) We were laughing that we ate Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at the same place. We meet V's parents every Sunday to watch the games but usually it's just for a couple of hours, not a full day. It was fun.
I didn't finish the painting.
Hopefully tonight.
HaPPy MoNdaY!