Wow. Thank you ALL so much for you encouragement, I really enjoyed reading all of your comments. My trip was amazing and unfortunately I only took 4 pictures the entire trip. It was so busy. Friday morning a driver picked me up at 7.30 am (with coffee just the way I like it) and I didn't get back to the hotel until 11.30 that night. This hotel was amazing, really beautiful.

Both days were so long... but it was so fun. This was the first picture I snapped around midnight my first night there after a full day of shooting.

On Friday the other 3 designers and I were filmed "getting inspired" for our back plate at different locations around orange county. Massive film crews, camera men, sound men, light dudes, hair and make-up cute girl (below), so many people. This cute girl was putting makeup on my face every 15 seconds, this shiny spot, that shiny spot. It was ridiculous.

Saturday was another ridiculously long day of filming us "in the studio" designing our plates and presenting them to Heidi. It was wild, I was waited on hand and foot, "would you like some water, coffee, a sandwich, are you cold??"
I should know within a couple of weeks which plate Heidi chooses as her fav. I can't show you my design until then but I think it's really cute. I met so many amazing people and learned so much. As soon as the show is available for viewing I will definitely post a link. I can't wait to see it...
I spent all Sunday with these two favorite people. Ali and I went for a great run Sunday morning, we enjoyed a yummy lunch together and I flew home (after missing my first flight) Sunday night.

I was so happy to be home, it felt like I was gone for ages. Thanks so much for being so sweet, I had such a great time. xo