I came up to visit my family for a couple of weeks. In the mountains, small town, farmers market, fresh pies, long walks, alone time with the
fam, quiet, slow.. nice.

My dad had surgery a couple of weeks ago and won't be able to walk for a few months so it was perfect timing to come up and have some chill time with him.

My parents live in a tiny one room cabin on the water that is absolutely beautiful, so magical. This is only my second day here and it's been so great.. long runs on dirt roads, some baking, sewing, furniture refinishing with mom.. great. Vito gets here Saturday and I can't wait to see him. He's been camping in the woods since Monday and won't be near a phone until Friday. I'm excited for him to be here, and see how beautiful it is here in the summer.

It's been really cool and rainy here but it's supposed to warm up the next few days. I'm anxious to take a dip in the water once it gets warmer outside...