I just put some notecards in my
etsy shop! They turned out really cute. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time but never got around to ordering them.

I'm on Spring break this week and have been trying to use this time to get some things done around the house. I'm focusing my energy on our guest room. Our guest room is more like a dumping ground and i'm sick of it looking so terrible. So... I've been collecting things for awhile now and am ready to put it all together!
When my parents came to visit a few months ago I had my dad bring two wood blocks with him that I could clean up and use as bed side tables. I've been sanding them down and will eventually paint and lacquor them. I almost have one finished. I'll show pics when it's done.

Also found this ugly brass lamp on craigslist for 10 bucks that I spraypainted for the guest room light.

And these came in the mail today! New curtains!

Hopefully by the end of the week I'll receive everything in the mail that I ordered. New lamps, bedding and I even scored a super cool bed off of craigslist I'll be painting later in the week.
And.. look what I found while finally cleaning out the closet.. great tape! Cleaning is already paying off.

Hope you're enjoying your week. It's nice and warm here today.