I went to visit my family for a week over Memorial Day and created some new art! It had been ages since I'd worked on anything new and since I had a lot of babysitters while I was up there I got a lot done. It was so nice.

I did these gouache paintings and stitched over them with the sewing machine and it really created a great texture. Go over to my
SHOP and see them! I'm finally getting them listed. I had such a fun time creating them. I can't even tell you how good it felt to be creating again.

Being home for Memorial Day brought back so many memories from when I was a child. Every year my parents would fill foil wrapped coffee cans with wildflowers and take them to the
In that small town, all of my family is buried. Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, old family friends...
My parents told the same stories they always tell about each person and it was really special to experience it with them again.
And afterwards... Dad came home..changed his clothes, and went back to work.

It was a lovely trip home. First time home with baby... that was fun and new.
I'm heading back next week and will be there for almost a MONTH! I'm SO looking forward to it.. we also have our BEST friend coming to visit us while we're there.