Here I am in my delirious stupor sleepwalking to the start line.

I think this picture was taken as I approached mile 15, still smiling. I was smiling until about mile 22, then I thought I had died and gone to hell. At that point my body hated me. The last 5 miles felt like 15, I wanted to cry and scream and gnash my teeth. But I didn't.
I had told myself that if I could finish in under 5 hours I would be happy, I finished in 4:06! really exciting. There were 181 women running the entire race and I placed 36th. I took walk breaks the first 20 miles and I think that really helped. Once I approached mile 21 I didn't take any more walk breaks, I knew I wouldn't be able to start running again if I started walking. I'm not sure if I will do one again any time soon, just thinking about doing it again makes me tired.

Today is my last day of school for the year! I'm looking forward to a long relaxing summer.
Just last week I got a couple of big commission, so that should keep me busy the month of June. I'm also teaching a couple weeks of summer school. Happy Wednesday.