Monday, December 8, 2008

FuN WeeKend**

On Saturday I went to Jessica's lingerie shower. Her and Matt are headed off to South America in a couple of weeks to elope. It was a really great shower, good food, drinks and friends. I had a really nice time.
Her sister Erin threw the shower at her house. I LOVE her house.

Jess is the only girl I know that can pull off receiving a leather jacket at a lingerie shower. You can't see her feet here but she is wearing high tops, looks pretty sweet with the jacket. Pretty Ella.In Erin's backyard she has these two awesome blue chairs. If they would have fit in my car I would have stole them. And... on Sunday.. I mastered baking bread in high altitude. Quite the accomplishment! If any of you live in the Denver area (or somewhere equally high) I would love to send you my recipe. This bread is delicious. It takes quite awhile (over 3 hours start to finish) but totally worth it!!And I baked some yummy sugar cookies! The house smelled oh so delicious.And.. while my bread was rising, I put the finishing touches on this. I'm taking it over to Amy's tonight! It's hard to tell in this picture but I stretched the canvas so that it bows in the center. It looks pretty cool on the wall, a bit retro-ish.
HappY MONday!
OnLy 16 days until ChRistMas!!


Jennifer Coomer said...

Love the blue chair. My Grandma Margie has a yellow slider/rocker that's similar.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

love it everytime a bunch of ladies get fun!
Love the painting sweetie... what you mean by 'bow'...?

Countin-down to Christmas...yay!

amy brink said...

your loaf of bread is bigger than your head. but i still love you!