Monday, December 15, 2008


We went out in the blistering cold weather Saturday morning for bagel sandwiches and coffee.
It's been sooo cold. This morning on my way to the gym it was 14 below zero. After my workout I put on my suit to hop in the pool and the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate. Luckily I didn't have to evacuate in my swimming suit, I had just enough time to grab all my junk and head for the car. There was an electrical fire and everyone had to leave, luckily I wasn't in the shower.
I've been doing a bit of baking here and there. Last night I baked these yummy all organic buttermilk biscuits. yummy.
I was going through my computer this weekend looking for a cute pic to send out with our Christmas cards and found a bunch of keepers of CARA from our little photo shoot a few months ago. I thought I'd put a few on here, they are really pretty.

HaPPy MonDay** Stay WarM.


cara harjes said...

ooh, if i were on america's next top model, tyra would give me the big "smile with your eyes" lecture for photo number one! :)

we braved the cold for b-fast yesterday tooo! sorry you had to evac the gym with wet hair today. yikes!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Who is counting calories this holiday season right?! I do eat more on colder months...;) repent by spring!

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

14 BELOW?! I was complaining it's cold here in the SF Bay Area in the 30's... :P