MattY came down from Ft. Collins for the weekend with his friends to celebrate his birthday! The house was full of boys ALL weekend. 6 actually. 7 if you count the dog.

He wanted V to cook.
And V cooked a lot. Dinner... Breakfast.. Lunch..

I don't think the table got completely cleared from one meal to the next. We couldn't keep up.

What a savage.

And Easter... we went to V's parents for dinner.
It was nice. I made cannoli for the first time and it was really good. Even made the shells! (with help.)

And last night, V took me to the Nuggets game! I think it was one of the best games I've ever been to.
...not just because of the game...
but because it was DOLLAR hot dog night. Yes! I love hot dogs. And, at one point while I was double fisting hot dogs with my face covered in ketchup we were on the KISS CAM! I've always wanted to be on the kiss cam... it was my night~! so fun.
HapPY TuesdAy**