We made it home last night from our little Vegas/Cali adventure.
Quick recap...
For some reason I have more pictures of art and textile designs from our room and cabana than any other person or object from the entire trip. Here's a few..

We stayed in this fantastic 2 bedroom suite that was about the size an apartment. It had five (yes I said five)flat screen t.v.'s.
To go from having one (no cable, boring, never turned on) t.v. at home, this was quite stimulating. Especially when I turned the corner to our bathroom and saw one mounted in the mirror. I didn't know whether I should run away and hide or move in and never ever leave our suite.

Oh! and look.. another TV IN the cabana. Seriously, is this necessary?

We had a nice drive to Cali on the 4th. From Dave and Dawn's house we could see two super nice firework shows. On Friday we hung with Heather and Ali walking about in Santa Ana for the first Friday art show. Vito bought me a wonderful little piece of artwork from this super talented artist we visited, as soon as I hang it I will snap a pic.

And this little dandy I snapped for a little certain someone...
The Vegas public transportation, best double decker ever!
THE DEUCE! The thing was massive and I only got one shot snapped before feeling like I was going to get plowed over.
You should make some stationary or business cards out of this Duce.