Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Is it too EaRLy??

Is it too early to say Fall is coming??
I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming but it seems as though it's getting cool and brisk at night..
It's almost September..
isn't that when leaves start to change?
I hope so.
Last night I was cold.


Jennifer Coomer said...

it is never too early to dream of fall in my book. I am really looking forward to the end of humid weather. August may be my least favorite month when it comes to weather. I'm looking foward to cool evenings and scarf weather.

amy brink said...

yes! it is TOTALLY going to be fall soon. i mean, our birthday IS in the fall and it's almost the big day!! woohoo!

The Toland Tots of Tanglewood said...

I love fall and am excited that it is here! I wish the weather was like this all year around! ENJOY!!