Thursday, March 5, 2009

Go HeRe>>>>>
my genius husband has started a wilderness program! He's been working on this project for quite some time and finally got everything up and running! He did a little trial run last summer and it was a huge success so this summer he's offering 6 (week long) camping trips for kids and adults.
He got super great postcards made up and a website. you'll have to go check it out! The website looks great and I'm even on it
(note the red arrow, that's me. hee hee.) I'm so proud of him, he's already filled a couple of the trips!
This should make for an exciting summer.
HapPY ThurSdAY**


Tam Hess said...

Congrats on the new site! Fun, fun! xoxo Tam

Artfulife said...

So awesome! Looks like a lot of fun.