Wednesday, October 3, 2007

QuiLt ToP, FaLLish FinDingS, nEw Do,

My good friend is having another bambino in a couple months, so I started this quilt a few ago. She's having A BOY.
This top looks way florescent in these pics, it's really not this bright. I finished the top but my sewing machine croaked, so now it sits.

I thrifted this little lantern a few months back

My mom bought me these pears, they hang in my window for all the dog walkers to see. Yum yum.

I chopped the mop. I realized that if my hair is back in a ponytail five out of the seven days a week, I probably need a change. Chippity, chop chop.

1 comment:

Francis said...

I like the mop. Of course I would like it cuss it looks a bit like my mop. Some dada may say, what about short and blonde, however that would be a summer do.