Monday, March 17, 2008

Bye ByE *ReD*

I repainted a couple of walls in the living room this weekend. I was so sick of the red I could hardly stand it. I wanted to repaint it in the fall but figured the red would look good for ChriStmAs, so I left it for a few months. It is so much brighter.

We had a great time at Karsh's on Friday, we all played his wii for at least four hours. I woke up Saturday morning and could hardly move my right arm.
However, I did manage to run 12 MiLeS!
Here it is Monday morning and the only thing sore on my body is my dang right arm from Friday night.
Legs, fine.
Left arm, fine.
Butt cheek, fine.
But my right arm feels like someone punched me half a dozen times.

This is my last week of school before SpRiNg break. yippee. HapPy MOnDaY.

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