Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ScOnes & JeLLy BeAns**

This morning was 'dAy 3' of having a scone for breakfast. mmm::sitting at the table sipping coffee before work is just about the best way to spend a morning. Well... doing it a few hours later would be even nicer.
And the ultimate highlight of my week so far:::::
feeding the kids at school nasty flavored jelly beans and having them guess the flavors.
It's hard to read here but the flavors include...
rotten egg, ear wax, booger, moldy cheese, baby wipes, and my favorite Vomit. mmm.. love that.
It's been quite the crowd pleaser.
You can pick up a box of these sweet dreams at Target.
I'm thinking about putting a bowl of these treats in the teachers lounge. mmm..
HapPY WedNEsday**

1 comment:

Beth Hikes said...

Yum on the scone and ditto on the jelly beans. That is the most hysterical thing to see, when kids scrunch up their faces on those flavors.