I got back yesterday from Idaho.
It was a really nice trip. My parents sold the house that we all grew up in and needed help moving to their new little cabin. They lived on this mountain for 30 years. It was really sad but also really exciting to see them starting a new chapter of their lives.

It looked like this the entire time I was there. Snowy and cold. I loved it. I was trying to take a picture of a bald eagle that was perched in the tree, but it's just too far away to see.

I arrived Wednesday night and then spent all Thursday and Friday preparing for a massive moving sale on Saturday.
This is my nephew Kale helping me price stuff. My parents cabin is completely furnished with new stuff so EVERYTHING in the house needed to be sold. The house= 3,000 sq. ft. The cabin=1,100 sq. ft.
We had A LOT to sell.

We sold everything! The town has about 2300 residents and we figured over 400 people came to the sale. It was madness. People up here are crazy about sales, not quite sure why... but they are. The doors opened at 9am and at 8:45 there were about 30 cars in the driveway waiting.
This is my niece Jamie after a tough day of cookie and coffee sales. Her and my nephew Alex baked cookies the night before so that they could make some cash. They sold out.

My brother found a cowboy hard hat my dad was going to sell and just couldn't see it go. It was the most hilarious thing ever seeing him walk around with it on all day. It was too small so it just sat
on top of his head instead of fitting "around" his head. It was
waaaay over sized. It reminded
that crazy hat Jim Carey wore in Dumb-and-Dumber.

No hard had for me but I did take this old sewing machine that was what my mom learned to sew on. I couldn't exactly carry this onto the plane so they'll be delivering this to me hopefully this Spring.

Last sunset at the old house.

My nephew Derek took this pic. He was trying to figure out how to use my camera. He did a good job!

Friday was the first night at the cabin and it was a bit cramped with boxes everywhere but it was really nice sleeping by the fire.

Shawna was such a help. Her and I literally worked from sun up to sun down. Pricing, selling, packing, moving, cleaning... it was great.

And then... time to go.

It was a long 2 1/2 hour drive to the airport, I cried just a little bit leaving. But once I got on the road I was fine.

It's always hard to leave. I always wish I could stay for just a few more days. V and I were planning on going up this summer for a few weeks but now that the cabin is occupied we might make it a shorter trip.
It was really nice to get home and see V and Cash. I missed them.
HapPY TuesdAY*