Meet Odell Hawkins Brink
born 2/22/11 10:41 am 7lbs 13oz and 21 inches long. 11 days overdue!
The last 5 days have been such a blur.. but it's been really great. Odell has been so sweet and I spend most the day just starring at him.

I went in to get induced but ended up having him natural. Wow.. what an amazing experience.

I labored for 10 hours, pushed for 2 and he came out sunny side up. It took 3 Dr.'s an hour to stitch me up from tearing from front to back. ouchie. I also pushed so hard I gave myself two bloodshot black eyes and have broken capillaries all over my face. I didn't know you could give yourself black eyes from pushing. But make no mistake, the moment he came out and was placed on my chest it made it all worth it. All of it... every single bit of it. The infertility, the tears, the In-Vitro,the overdue pregnancy and the hard natural labor, all of it. I'd do it again tomorrow and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. WAY harder than my first marathon but oh so much more rewarding.

I'm learning so much. Learning so much about myself... about babies, about my husband, my family and little Odell. It's quite the instant lifestyle change, but it feels good.
Tamara... He is SO beautiful. What a trooper you are! Congratulations. Enjoy your new bundle of joy! xo
yay! he is so beautiful! congratulations to you all... 4 recommendations after having 3 kids -
1 - wear that baby - get a sling not a front carrier...
2 - the baby book by dr. william sears
3 -
and you sleep when baby sleeps - at least for a while! taking care of a baby is exhausting (and rewarding) work...
Wow Tam! What a beautiful post. Now that your parents are gone know that I am here and will do anything to help!
Love you and can't wait to meet baby Odell!
Oh my wow. His gorgeous. Perfect husband material for Violet. Does he like older girls. Congrats Mummy x
wow.. so cute.. he is so small.. hope he grow healthy...
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What a sweet post, Tamara. I have tears in my eyes. It makes me think of Jack's first few days. Wow... it's amazing how fast it goes. Good for you for doing it natural. Like you said, all the pain is so worth it. Congratulations on your beautiful gift from God.
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