I usually don't write very personal things on this blog. I guess I just don't like the thought of someone being able to google my name and read my entire life story. But on the scale of monumental things that happen in a persons life... this is pretty up there on the list. I probably won't leave this post up forever but I have a few sweet friends in blogland that have been checking in and asking.
After actively trying to conceive for over 2 years we've learned that IVF is our only option to have children of our own. The last 6 months have been pretty brutal.
Today (5/15/10)…
I feel like an alien in my own skin.
This picture is from our first shipment of meds. I've received two more packages since I photographed this one. I’m injecting myself with shots (up to 4 a day), pills (handfuls), suppositories (3 times a day) and patches (currently wearing 4)
I’m crying all of the time for no reason

Today (5/15/10)…
I feel like an alien in my own skin.
This picture is from our first shipment of meds. I've received two more packages since I photographed this one. I’m injecting myself with shots (up to 4 a day), pills (handfuls), suppositories (3 times a day) and patches (currently wearing 4)
I’m crying all of the time for no reason
In the last 2 months I have started crying:
-When I’ve gotten out of bed
-In the shower
-Putting on clothes
-After a nice breakfast out
-When I couldn’t find anything to eat in the fridge for lunch
-Pulling weeds in the yard
-After a glass of wine with a friend
-When I bought the wrong color of stain for the fence
-Pretty much every afternoon and evening
-And always when I start talking about how frequently I’m crying…
4 weeks ago I literally had ovaries the size of softballs. Even though I’ve had all of those eggs sucked out, my stomach is still bulging from the daily hormone injections. Four people in the last six weeks have asked me if I was pregnant. It made me feel super annoyed. Surprisingly… it didn’t make me cry. Just annoyed.
Monday is the big day. Monday (5/24/10) is the day they thaw a couple of our embryos (that have been frozen for 4 weeks) and implant them into my uterus. I will be on bed rest for a couple of days. Nine days later.. I take a pregnancy test. I’m excited and really really nervous.
I went to yoga almost every day last week and it really helped calm my nerves.
But I’m scared and hopeful.
I'm looking forward to a quiet summer break. I'm spending most of the month of July in Idaho with my family so it should be really restful.
Thanks friends for being so kind. xo Hope you enjoy your weekend. :)