Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today was the best day. It was super warm and I spent most of the afternoon watching the kids jump off the dock into the water.... a bazillion times. My dad and I went for a couple rides on the 4-wheelers so he could show me around. There are quite a few ponds and little lakes on their property so we had fun checking on all of them. We rode over to check on my Uncle's cabin about a mile up the road. ...and we went for one more ride tonight after the sunset. But I think the highlight of my day was watching my cute niece Jamie stand out on the road all day in town trying to sell her 6 week old puppies. She stood out there for hours and it was over 90 degrees out there. I went to visit her in the a.m. but forgot my camera so I came back a couple hours later so I could take her pic with the pups.
She sold 2! ... and called it a day.
It is so nice to be here, so quiet and slow. I'll be back tomorrow with more pics. Hope you're having a lovely week.

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