Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A FeW thinGs**

Mmm.. SuShI last night with Anne Marie. Good food, good drinks and good conversation.. I received a big ole box of printing supplies! Time to start working on ChRiStmAs presents!

yippee. And.. the highlight of my week so far..

I received a lovely hand knit hat from a fourth grader. I wish I could have knit like this when I was in fourth grade... ahh.. it fits wonderfully.HappY WEdNesdaY*


Jennifer Coomer said...

4th grade?!?! Wow. Nice work Fourth Grader!

And now I want sushi.

debbie said...

OMG this must be a new 4th grader!!!

Mon Petit Lapin said...

Hey Tamara, thanks for all the blog comments recently :D Looking forward to seeing what you do next with that stack of rubber and wow I wish I got presents from school/college! Hope your having a great day

XUE said...

i live in the land of sushi but unfortunately, am not a fan. I like all the other cooked-type of Japanese food though. Oishii !

cara harjes said...

dude, sounds like you are just having the time of your life these days! nicely played.