Monday, August 31, 2009

GiLMan, CO

We had a great time digging around Gilman this weekend. This mining town was evacuated in the early 80's because the mine was contaminating the water. Residents had 24 hours to evacuate. The town was pretty big.. bank, bowling alley, hotel, large gymnasium.. we rummaged through it all.We figured out that these windows and doors were store merchandise in storage. Next door was full of roofing materials. This pic of Bri is a perfect depiction of the creepy vibe we felt the entire time we were there. The wind would start blowing and start slamming doors in the houses. I get scared at home when that happens, let alone walking down the main street in a ghost town.This is the bank. and next to it an insurance office. We rummaged through interesting insurance papers. I found a man's certificate of baptism and then his certificate of death. Thousands and thousands of papers in filing cabinets. so spooky.This photo is in the hallway of the hotel. I have no idea who that person is... they just appeared in the viewfinder. Just kidding, it's whitney. We didn't camp in the town this time, thank god. We hiked back to our campsite and ate yummy steaks, potatoes and corn by the fire.
We had a great time.


Melissa said...

oohhhh so awesome! I need to see this place!

mairedodd said...

so cool - have to research this town! you survived to tell the tale... :o)

shane rocket said...

gilman,co is now on my top three places to visit.....

shane rocket said...

ps amazing photos as usual!!!

cara harjes said...

okay you had me going there for a minute about a ghost in your viewfinder!!!