Thursday, October 23, 2008

PAiNt NigHt*

I had a little painting class/lesson with some girls last night and it was such a blast. Whit, Robin, Melissa, Angi and I sipped wine and painted the night away.
It was really fun and it was awesome to see the girls finish their first paintings. I'm getting excited for the weekend.. we leave tomorrow for our big drive up to Idaho. I'm super ready for a litttle vaca.
HapPY ThURsday*


Ashleigh Rose said...

Aw painting with fun!

Angela said...

how fun. i love to paint too.

Beth Hikes said...

What a great way to be with friends during the cold weather! Love your soup and bread photo too :) I don't miss high altitude cooking but I do miss the altitude. Have fun in Idaho :)

please sir said...

Looks like so much fun!!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

wine & paint is always a nice drinking from the bottle is always nice too...
Thank God it's Friday dear!!!